Sale of Saplings
We offer variety of saplings to meet the needs of the market for the purpose of plantation and forest development which emphasizes the critical roles that forest plays in ecosystem services and biodiversity conservation.
Bil | Nama Tempatan | Nama Botani | Tinggi ('/kaki) |
1 | Akasia | Acacia mangium | >2.0 |
2 | Bafia | Baphia nitida | >2.0 |
3 | Balau laut | Shorea glauca | >2.0 |
4 | Balau singkawang air | Shorea sumatrana | >2.0 |
5 | Belian | Eusideroxylon zwageri | >2.0 |
6 | Beruas | Garcinia hombroniana | >2.0 |
7 | Bintangor laut | Calophyllum inophyllum | >2.0 |
8 | Engkabang | Shorea macrophylla | >2.0 |
9 | Engkabang burung | Shorea mecistopteryx | >2.0 |
10 | Jambu jepun | >2.0 | |
11 | Kapur | Dryobalanops aromatica | >2.0 |
12 | Kasai/Matoa | Pometia pinnata | >2.0 |
13 | Keladan | Dryobalanops oblonglifolia | >2.0 |
14 | Kelat hitam | Syzygium syzygioides | >2.0 |
15 | Keruing bulu | Dipterocarpus baudii | >1.0 |
16 | Keruing bulu | Dipterocarpus baudii | >2.0 |
17 | Keruing neram | Dipterocarpus oblongifolius | >1.0 |
18 | Labu kayu | Crescentia cujete | >2.0 |
19 | Mahkota dewa | Phaleria macrocarpa | >2.0 |
20 | Maingaya malayana | Maingaya malayana | >2.0 |
21 | Meranti melantai | Shorea macroptera | >2.0 |
22 | Meranti pa'ang | Shorea bracteolata | >1.0 |
23 | Meranti sarang punai | Shorea parvifolia | >2.0 |
24 | Meranti seraya | Shorea curtisii | >2.0 |
25 | Meranti seraya daun mas/ tembaga | Shorea argentifolia | >2.0 |
26 | Meranti singkawang merah | Shorea singkawang | >2.0 |
27 | Meranti temak nipis | Shorea roxburghii | >2.0 |
28 | Meranti tembaga | Shorea leprosula | >2.0 |
29 | Merawan siput | Hopea sangal | >2.0 |
30 | Merawan siput jantan | Hopea odorata | >2.0 |
31 | Merbau | Intsia palembanica | >2.0 |
32 | Pelong licin | Pentaspadon motleyi | >2.0 |
33 | Penaga lilin | Mesua ferrea | >2.0 |
34 | Ramin | Gonystylus spp. | >2.0 |
35 | Salam | Syzygium polyanthum | >2.0 |
36 | Sengkuang | Dracontomelon dao | >2.0 |
37 | Sentang | Azadirachta excelsa | >2.0 |
38 | Sepetir | Sindora echinocalyx | >2.0 |
39 | Tecoma | Tabebuia pentaphylla | >2.0 |
Bukan Pokok
Bil | Nama Tempatan | Nama Botani | Tinggi ('/kaki) |
1 | Buluh betong | Dendrocalamus asper | >2.0 |
2 | Buluh nipis/ lemang hijau | Schizostachyum brachycladum | >2.0 |
3 | Lerek | Phrynium spp. | >2.0 |
4 | Velvet-leaf Philodendron | Philodendron mican | >3.0 |